Junk Foods Offered in 50% of Elementary Schools

A recent study shows that more than fifty percent of elementary school students have the option of buying junk foods like ice cream, potato chips and other snacks while at school. Researchers implied that schools should heed health warnings and be encouraged to improve nutrition at school, both during lunches and between periods.

When children are presented with appealing sugary and salty snacks, they are more inclined to skip the healthier, more balanced meals for trips to the vending machines.

According to Lindsey Turner of the University of Illinois, elementary school is “really a crucial period where the preferences and behavioral habits are being developed.

“If kids are early on in that environment where that junk food is around, then it potentially becomes a habit that’s harder to break,” she said. She added that the recent findings are “disappointing.”

Child Obesity Rates Fall in NYC

The obesity rate in schools throughout New York has fallen 5.5% over the past five years, thanks to the city-instituted programs to encourage healthy eating habits and physical activity.

According to a study, the percentage of obese children from kindergarten through 8th grade dropped to 20.7% over this past school year. According to city officials, the drop is due to programs working to remove deep-fried foods and sugary drinks from cafeterias, adding low fat milk and salad bars to the menu, as well as to limit junk food-selling fundraisers.

“The tide of the obesity epidemic is beginning to ebb,” said New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Thomas Farley. “We see this as validation that our public health efforts to address the obesity epidemic are beginning to work.”