Beauty Skin Tips from the Experts

beauty-creamModel Zillin Luo has some great beauty tips for everyone to easily maintain that summer sheen without looking sweaty!

It’s so easy to get caught up in the crazy heat and give up on your beauty routine. But you can instead take advantage of how the sun can dry out problematic pores on the skin. In other words, you can become more beautiful rather than less. What’s more, it doesn’t have to take the time it takes a model to beautify herself either. It just takes a few easily changeable tactics to turn sweat into shimmer!

For example, rather than using a standard cleanser and face cream, one should instead opt for an oil-free daily lotion with at least SPF 20. When it comes to make-up, this is a great time to go a shade lighter, suggests Luo. Opt for tinted moisturizer and lip gloss and ditch heavy-color-based lipstick. Next, add some summer splash to your skin, with a citrus smell to get your body smelling super fresh at all times.

Summer doesn’t have to be a disaster for beauty – it can actually be transformative if one just mixes up their skin care routines a bit.