One may not imagine that getting a manicure could possibly come with a health risk. But that is exactly the sort of question that is currently being asked in the city of New York. Indeed, according to nail technician Sri Janamalla, “the chemical makes a breathing problem, and the dust makes our noses blocked and have breathing problem.”
Thus it is probably good news that the new York City Council committees on health and consumer affairs has introduced a new bill which seeks to make sure conditions are safe. One argument is that there could be a problem with regards to reproductive health and respiratory problems, and even possibly cancer.
So what this may mean in New York City nail salons as that a ventilation system needs to be installed to ensure odors do not enter neighboring spaces. If the bill becomes law, salons will need to have that ventilation to be properly licensed and publicize a pamphlet to ensure that all who come to do their nails know their rights and can avoid any potential dangerous situations.