New York Health and DVT

New York health this month focuses on developing awareness of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) risk factors. The New York Vein Treatment Center is running a campaign on the condition that impacts between 300,000 and 600,000 Americans, clotting blood in the veins of the lower extremities.  As part of its campaign to enhance New York health vis-à-vis preventing DVT, the Center will be using social media methods such as its Facebook and Twitter pages.

Leading vein doctor at the center, Dr. Lev Khitin pointed out that immobility is one of the main risk factors for the development of DVT.  Thus it is important to keep moving to “encourage proper circulation” and thus reduce the risk. While varicose veins are common in both men and women, the latter are more prone to them, especially after pregnancies.  There are however, many different treatment options available as well as minimally invasive surgery that lead to excellent results.

Increasing awareness of any kind of condition, illness or disease is the way forward in enhancing health for everyone.  The fact that the New York Vein Treatment Center is engaging in this campaign during October could potentially improve New York health.

Enhancing NYC Health

public-health-clinicsIn an effort to improve NYC health in the public sphere, a pilot project is being launched to assemble all electronic health record (EHR) data into a surveillance tool.  The project – the NYC Macroscope – is being undertaken by the City University of New York School of Public Health and the New York City Public Health Department.  It will access information on NYC health from the city’s Primary Care Information Project in order to oversee the existence of chronic conditions as well as things like flu vaccinations.

According to Carolyn Greene MD, deputy commissioner of the NYC Department of Health, this project – while not intended to obliterate regular NYC health surveillance – can potentially offer a substantial amount of information on various conditions “in real time.”  It is also hoped that it will “increase connections between public health and clinical care.”

In addition, Greene noted that public health authorities should be focusing on monitoring the population’s health.  EHR, she noted, “offer a very useful tool to do this. In turn, it is our responsibility to feed data back to policymakers, to those who come up with clinical guidelines, to providers, to the public, and we hope that the data we gather and monitor using electronic health records will have an impact on clinical care.”

New York Wellness

wellnessNew York Wellness continues to thrive thanks to Esprit Wellness.  This complete outpatient practice that seeks to provide holistic care and treatment for patients, is currently marking over 15 years of practice in Manhattan.  Somewhat unique to the region, the center offers cutting-edge treatments such as Active Release and Graston Techniques. Esprit Wellness also boasts top equipment for its clientele that requires integral pain relief and rehabilitative facilities, providing top level care and escalating overall New York wellness to all those who use it.

The Active Release Technique uses soft tissue management in the hope of assisting with trauma, repetitive stress, and connective tissue developed adhesions in an attempt to restore muscle function to enable the body to perform at improved levels.  This is particularly beneficial to patients who require a long time to recover.

The Graston Technique reduces the time needed for treatment to ensure the patient’s speedy recovery. It also decreases the need for anti-inflammatory medication by engaging in everyday activities. The Graston Technique provides advantages to the patient as well as employers by keeping the patient on the job and reducing healthcare costs throughout treatment.

Ultimately, Esprit Wellness is working toward the constant improvement of New York wellness by promoting an understanding of how crucial it is to engage in an active lifestyle with physical therapy.  There is also a focus on working with matters such as scoliosis as well as other chronic conditions.  Working in these ways persistently ensures quality of life and well-being – the ultimate goal of Esprit Wellness.

New Study Links Alcoholism to Poor Diet

A recent study was published by HealthDay News which linked alcoholism and poor diets. The study analyzed the drinking and eating habits of 12,000 adults, aged 18 to 64. Those who drank heavily before, after and during meals were found to have bad nutrition.

One of the study authors explained that “Drinking alcohol may reduce maintaining a healthy diet…. And may indirectly contribute to several chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, mellitus, cardiovascular disease or cancer.” The research also indicated that alcoholism may reduce fruit and vegetable intake, while increasing that of fast foods and animal proteins.

“If your alcohol consumption is excessive or if you find it results in poor dietary choices, you need to reduce or stop your drinking,” says author Tom Griesel. “This may seem a little radical, but if alcohol or anything else is affecting your health or keeping you from experiencing optimal health, you need to do something about it right away.”

Griesel added that alcohol consumption has an effect on sleep cycles, as well. His sister, Dian Grisel, Ph.D., explained “When reviewing your health habits, closely examine your alcohol consumption. Alcohol is empty calories and difficult for your body to process. Your body primarily treats alcohol as a toxic substance. It is not a necessary nutrient. Although we feel red wine is probably the best choice when it comes to alcohol, it can still be a serious health hazard if it results in poor diet choices or is consumed excessively.”

The Flu Shot Returns

According to health officials, the flu season has already returned, and with it the flu shot dilemma.

This year’s vaccine provides protection from both A and B influenza viruses, as well as the H1N1 strain, which is commonly known as “swine flu.”

Jennifer King, a spokesperson for the North Georgia Health District, said “As of now, we’re not aware of any unusual flu activity for our area; however, that status could change at any time.”

She added that the unpredictable nature of the flu is “all the more reason why it’s important residents protect themselves against the flu by getting vaccinated and by maintaining proper hygiene such as frequent hand washing, keeping hands away from the face, and covering coughs and sneezes.”

Other experts, such as Dr. Amy Hardin believe that “now is the perfect time” to be vaccinated. The vaccine takes two to three weeks to effectively immunize the body, and so it is wise to begin the process before the flu gets a strong hold on the season.

Clinics throughout New York and beyond are now fully stocked with the flu vaccine, and are offering them to all patients.

Top NY Health Clinic Respondents

In a recent report from the Joint Commission (America’s leading hospital accreditation board), a list was revealed of the top 405 health clinics to have responded to health issues like pneumonia and a heart attack.  The idea of the list was to find out which clinics were best prepared to deal with these situations.  Unfortunately the news wasn’t great.  Most of the hospitals in America with the top reputations (including John Hopkins) weren’t on the list.

Despite this, there have in general been improvements in how patient care facilities have responded over the last few years.  Over 12 million treatments were assessed and it was found that on a staggering 97 percent of occasions, hospitals followed directives correctly.  In 2002 this figure was only 82 percent.